Final Results Pest Control – Member Survey 2019

Final Results

Pest Control – Member Survey 2019

Thank You for your responses to this survey. Maintenance and Property Standards (MaPS) Committee received 256 completed surveys by June 6, 2019 and that means that 33.24% of City Park’s members responded to the survey. (101 from 484 Church, 76 from 51 Alexander and 79 from 31 Alexander)

Question 1: The number one problem seems to be cockroaches (139 responses); followed by bed bugs (49 responses); with rodents in third spot (41 responses) and last place other pests (18 responses).

Question 2: In units pests were most likely to be found in the kitchen (84 responses); in second place the bathroom (34 responses); with the bedroom in third spot (22 responses) and followed by living room (16 responses);  suite entry (4 responses) and closet 1 (response).

Question 3: In public areas pests were most likely seen hallways (51 responses); followed by elevators (12 responses); with the laundry rooms in third spot (10 responses) and several mentions of rodents in basement and rats outside.  

Question 4 and 5: Reporting the problem to the office may be an issue. (101 members reported a pest problem to the office but 70 did not). Why this is so was not very well explained, but 17 respondents indicated a lack of confidence treatment would be effective.) Early treatment minimizes the spread of pests.

Question 6. Pigeons are more of a problem and concern than imagined. Pigeons were identified as a concern by 128 members – 50% of respondents.

Question 7.  While 109 respondents indicated they were satisfied with the action taken by City Park staff and contractors another 66 Members indicated they were not satisfied with the actions taken to control the infestation. This suggests more effort to inform members on how important it is for Members to be pro-active to help City Park eradicate and control infestations. As well, City Park must monitor the effectiveness and thoroughness of pest control contractors.

OTHER COMMENTS: We cannot list all the great suggestions that were made to the survey questions but below are some responses/suggestions not related to the points made above:

Regular spraying of public areas; Pigeons nesting on balconies; infestations in neighbouring units and hoarding; clean-up of garages and regular clean out of garbage bins and finally; better indicate scheduled time for treatment in the unit, length of time Member should be away from the unit and leave a post-it note indicating treatment was done and at what time.


1.DON’T DELAY TREATMENT. If you see pests please contact the office immediately for treatment.

2. PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE PIGEONS (From your balcony or on the grounds).  Leftover food encourages rats and other rodents to make City Park their home. Pigeon droppings are also difficult to clean and a health hazard.